Our Team

Staff undergo a robust recruitment procedure, including enhanced CRB checks. All staff are recruited on a three-month probationary period where their work is assessed and their suitability confirmed. We actively seek the opinion of our residents through our residents’ meetings and involvement in the interview panel before confirming a position.


We ensure that all the members of the team have access to annual mandatory training courses and we offer specialist training to staff where the clients have a specific condition or illness, ie. diabetes, dementia. They are offered a full induction process and training to ensure they have the necessary skills and experience to deliver a high standard of care to our residents.

Ongoing training is encouraged and we support the National Vocational Qualification in Care and have staff qualified in Level 2, 3 and 4 awards.

Sadie White


Lisa Simmons

Senior Care Assistant

Helen Miller

Senior Care Assistant

Dotty Davey

Care Assistant

Lydia Tuck

Care Assistant

Fay Froude

Care Assistant

Kelly Parkhouse

Care Assistant

Ashleigh Lowman

Relief Care Assistant

Rachel Primmer

Relief Care Assistant

Suzanne Pike

Relief Care Assistant

Alison Gigg

Night Carer

Ezhy Bala Subramani

Night Carer

Julie Wollacott


Marcia Larcombe

Part-Time Cook

Sally Bukin

Part-Time Cook

Karen Coryn

House Keeper